Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God Gave us Brains and Expects us to use them!

But now they make sport of me,
Those who are younger than I,
Whose fathers I would have disdained
To set with the dogs of my flock.
- Job 30:1

Some ground rules:
  • This Blog is for fun!
  • This is NOT a religious Blog.
  • This is NOT a New Age Blog.
  • This is NOT any attempt to persuade you or guide you.
There is no minimum age for entry into the bizarre and arcane ramblings in this Blog, fifty might be apropos, with an equivalent reading age of, oh, say, fifth grade.  But that is so-o-o-o limiting!  In actuality, age and reading level should have no bearing on whether or not you receive any enjoyment from this blog.  Being open-minded and having sex immediately after reading this blog should grant you the highest level of satisfaction.  This Blog is certainly not for the faint of heart or those that have made that 'leap of faith.'  It is most assuredly NOT a Blog for the Conservative Fundamentalist, even though I believe it is possible for them to be able to derive maximum enjoyment from this blog.  God knows they have enough reading to keep them busy well into the next millenia, once they master the art of reading and give up allowing their Tele-Evangelists to interpret everything for them.

Most of the folks I know, young and old, have their own ideas about God, whether they are derived from some ultra-right wing fundamentalist explanation and interpretation, or whether they are based on their own interpretations and explanations.  Many of the folks I know tell me they don't believe in God at all, that religion was created to prey upon the weaknesses of the bourgeoisie in order to control them.  " 'Cause God knows they needed controllin' -Sarah Palin.   Hopefully, it doesn't matter where you are on life's journey, this Blog will provide you with some entertainment and some 'food for thought'.  And I enthusiastically seek your input, your stories and your thoughts about any ramblings I might present on this Blog.  Keep your critiques to your damn selves.  

Reflecting on your life and experiences, looking back over the ideals, motivations, and transitions you experienced at different stages in your life, and taking a hard look at who you are now may not dramatically affect your life at all.  But if there were that one percent chance that reading this blog and spending a few quiet moments in meditation might have some positive impact on your life, would you take that chance?  Again, your answer to this question revolves around who you are and where you are at this particular junction in your life.

You gotta dance with the one that bring ya' 
-Darrell Royal

1 comment:

  1. Reflecting on your life and experiences, looking back over the ideals, motivations, and transitions you experienced at different stages in your life, and taking a hard look at who you are now may not dramatically affect your life at all. But if there were that one percent chance that reading this blog and spending a few quiet moments in meditation might have some positive impact on your life, would you take that chance? Again, your answer to this question revolves around who you are and where you are at this particular junction in your life.
