The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks',meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
I saw my friend Daniel B., who manages the Twilight Terrace, out at Harold's Storage the other day and he wanted to know why I had not written anything on my blog in awhile. I told him I had been in a true dark funk. Black cloud syndrome. And I just didn't want to write because I was so pissed about the whole health care issue. Dan said why not write about it? Duh? Most of the time I just do not want to expose my dark side. My Jungian Shadow. "All the more reason to write about it," Daniel replied, "Deal with IT or IT will deal with you!" So, this is my Shadow creating. This blog is a rant. A scream. An dark indulgence I do not usually allow myself to have since the primary function of my writing was originally intended to talk only about Eureka Springs and the Magic that engulfs this area. So what does the old SNL vid have to do with my rant? It reminds me of how health care companies are behaving regarding Health Care Reform. They will say anything to prevent reform of the status quo. You can not really blame them, it will certainly hurt their profit margins, even though Congress has bent over backwards to help them, including the administration. It's almost like Congress has to apologize for meddling with, dare I say it, 'Capitalism'. God knows there is no greater sin in this country than politicians messin' with 'bidness'. My question is 'How in the hell did we get here?'
It seems totally insane to me that we have to have health insurers to begin with, I mean why? There was a time in this country when you got sick, you went to the doctor and you either got well or died. So, where did the health insurer come from and how did we allow them to take over our health? There is a lot of history about it out there and reading it you can see how health insurers got their foot in the door. But the BIG LIE is that we need health insurers. There are some in congress that realize that health insurance companies do not provide any added value to our health status, of course these are 'communists' according to the health insurers and their cohorts in congress. These dances of 'hysteron proteron' by both sides of the aisle only serve as a political smokescreen that conceals a greater problem in our country and in no way succeed in answering the question, how the hell did we get here?
Some say it's the lobbyists, you know the old maxim at work in the nation's capitol, 'money talks and bullshit walks'. But would the money talk if those elected to represent the people actually did so. My daughter, the political science major, says there is money available for all forms of belief. So is it really about the money? I'm prone to think it is about the power you can accumulate through the acquisition of wealth, the power to maintain your seat in Congress and the power to effect the business of the the country. We have become what the founders of this country warned us against, Corporate Owned Government aided and abetted by our banking system. How did we get here?
It seems to me that the road we traveled to get to this point in our history has been paved with lies and falsehoods. Politicians and lying go together like Romeo and Juliet, Tom and Jerry, salt and pepper, light and dark (did I mention I was in a dark mood?), Batman and Robin, Yin and Yang, ad infinitum. I know, I naivete is exceeded only by my gullibility. But is it my imagination or has a lie become an acceptable form of opinion? How does a nondescript section of the Health Care Bill dealing with Doctor/Patient end-of-life-counseling become 'Death Panels'? Why is it acceptable to call the President of the US a terrorist, a Nazi, a Communist? When does an 'opinion' violate the First Amendment? Is it only when it causes harm? Are our courts so inept that 'defamation', 'slander', and 'libel' lawsuits can no longer be won, because it's just someone's opinion? What if their opinion makes me feel like whoopin' their ass, is that OK? How did we, as a people, get to a point where we are so divided? Where it's acceptable for you speak derogatorily about anyone or anyone's ideas and hey, you are protected by the First Amendment?
Of course, I believe there are solutions to all the problems that confront our country, I am the eternal optimist. I'm also pretty much of a realist. And I know that many of these problems will not be solved in my lifetime. I am just concerned that it is now permissible to FALSELY shout fire in a crowded theater.
Until Next Time,
I Remain...
Just another Diogenistic Zoroastrian looking for a little light on a cloudy day...